
log4j 配置文件说明

log4j 配置文件说明
# log4j.properties
# Configures Log4j as the Tomcat system logger
# using a DatedFileAppender.
# Configure the logger to output ERROR or INFO level messages into
# a Tomcat-style rolling, dated log file ("tomcat.DATE.log").
#log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, T
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, T
# Configure the appender "T".
# Note that the default file name prefix is being overridden
# to be "tomcat." instead of "application.".
log4j.appender.T.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
# If you don't want to use the DatedFileAppender default values
# seen below, uncomment that line and change the setting.
# Directory: If the directory name does not start with a leading slash,
# the directory name will be relative to your Tomcat home directory.
# Prefix: The log file name prefix.
# Suffix: The log file name suffix.
# Append: true to append when opening a log file (good when restarting
# Tomcat) or false to truncate.
# BufferedIO: true to use a buffered output stream to the log file (improves
# performance when logging a lot of data but not so good if the system
# crashes or you want to watch the logs in real time) or false to write
# flush each message out to the log file.
# The default behavior of using non-buffered writes insures that a day's
# log file will not be written to after midnight. When buffering is enabled,
# a new message must be written to a log after midnight to force the previous
# day's log file to be flushed and closed.
# BufferSize: sets the size of the buffer to use if BufferedIO is true.
# The default size is 8K.
# Application logging options
